“Coffee with Cale” tackles parenting issues June 21

Dr. Randy L. Cale, a psychologist and parenting expert, will host the second in a series of informative workshops for families when he hosts “Managing Technology: Sensible Ways to Set Limits.” The event will take place on, Wednesday, June 21 at 9:30 a.m. at Hamagrael Elementary School. The event is open to all district parents.

Nominations sought for the Wall of Fame

The Liberty Central School District is currently accepting nominations for its Wall of Fame, which the district established to honor outstanding Liberty alumni who have made a lasting contribution to the district. Nominees will be judged on exceptional accomplishments or significant contributions within their school, community or personal life.

Inductee(s) will have a plaque displayed on the Wall of Fame, located in the David E. Panebaker Auditorium lobby at Liberty High School. The district will recognize the honorees during a special ceremony and breakfast reception prior to graduation in June.

The district will accept nominations until 3 p.m. Jan. 27, 2017.

Do you know someone who deserves to be honored on the Liberty Wall of Fame?


Nomination forms are also available at the District Office, 115 Buckley St., Liberty. Contact Alyssa Pagano at 845-292-5400 ext. 2055 for more information.