Anytown voters approve $20 million capital project

On December 10, 2016, Anytown residents approved the district’s $20.3 million capital project by a tally of 2,189 yes votes (54 percent) to 1,842 no votes (46 percent). The vote resulted in a 30 year record voter turnout dating back to 1986, with a total voter turnout of 4,031. The results were announced at the Anytown Central Office and certified by the chairperson of the election.

“I’d like to thank our Anytown community for participating in the democratic process by voting,” said Superintendent Jim Smith.

The capital project will establish a 10-year plan to accommodate tremendous growth in enrollment, and included addition and renovation work throughout the district, with security updates for all eight school buildings. The tax rate impact will be 5.9 percent to be phased in over three years, with the initial increase in year 2022.