Student Handbook

Mohonasen High School offers three levels of academic study in the core curriculum. The level at which a student studies is determined by previous academic achievement, student interest, application, and teacher recommendations.

Honors/Advanced Placement (AP)
Honors and/or AP courses are offered in English, social studies, math, and science. Acceptance into these courses will be based on student interest, academic achievement, Regents Exam scores, and teacher recommendation.
Regents Prep
This course of study provides students with an average paced program and moderate supports. Most students complete their math and science requirements in three years, but are encouraged to take more. A majority of the students in the school take this level of courses. Students in Regents Prep may earn Advanced Regents or Regents Diploma.
Academic Intervention Services (AIS)
AIS can be support labs offered in English, social studies, Living Environment and Integrated Algebra to help students who have passed the course but not the associated Regents exam. However, it also includes stretch courses in science and math during 9th and 10th grades. Students are provided with additional support and instruction in the appropriate course areas. Students are placed in these courses through scores on both 8th grade assessments and Regents Exams, as well as through teacher recommendations. Students in AIS courses are able to earn Advanced Regents or Regents Diplomas. AIS Support Labs are also offered to recommended students for English 11 and US History to assist with understanding of material covered in class.
There are multiple ways to earn college credit during high school. These include:

College in the High School (CHS)
CHS credits are earned by meeting minimum grade (usually a 75+) requirements in the course. Students receive an official transcript from the college, but do not need to attend the school to get the credit. However, students should always check with their prospective colleges to be sure that credits transfer and under which category are the awarded credits i.e. electives vs. English vs. Spanish. Our CHS courses take place through Schenectady County Community College (SCCC). These courses are FREE to Mohonasen students.
Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement Exams are taken in May of the year students take the course. They are graded on a scale of 1–5 and most colleges require a minimum
of a 3 on the exam to award credit. The exams cost approximately $90.